The Power of Kindness: Transforming Lives One Act at a Time
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The Power of Kindness: Transforming Lives One Act at a Time

Kindness Can Transform At our residential youth homes, we witness firsthand how kindness can transform the lives of at-risk youth. Many of the young people we serve have faced hardships, trauma, and challenges that have left them feeling unseen and unheard. But one thing that consistently makes a difference in their journey toward healing is…

Creative Outlets for Healing: Art, Music, and Expression
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Creative Outlets for Healing: Art, Music, and Expression

Creativity plays a crucial role in healing. Whether art, music, or writing, these creative activities allow individuals to express their emotions, process trauma, and find peace. Many people use creative outlets to cope with life’s challenges. The connection between creativity and healing is undeniable. Furthermore, creativity has been embraced by therapists, healthcare professionals, and individuals…

Defining At-Risk Youth: Understanding the Factors That Contribute to This Term
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Defining At-Risk Youth: Understanding the Factors That Contribute to This Term

In our communities today, the term “at-risk” is frequently used to describe young individuals who are considered likely to encounter negative outcomes. These outcomes can include dropping out of school, substance abuse, and various forms of mental health disorders. The label “at-risk” is not just a descriptor—it is a crucial identifier used by educational and…

Youth Learn About Cultures And How To Appreciate Differences And Similarities

Youth Learn About Cultures And How To Appreciate Differences And Similarities

In our world today, you feel and see the tension, hate, and fear of others as they go along their daily lives. On the news, in the paper, and in art, hate and lack of acceptance for different cultures, diversity, and inclusiveness. Our young people will be the adults of tomorrow. Some will continue spreading…

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According to the Anxiety and Depression Association(1), 31.9%, or about one in three, teens experience anxiety. Given that 49.5% of all adolescents ages 13-18 experience some form of mental illness(2), anxiety seems to be the most prevalent. What is anxiety? Anxiety is an uneasy feeling we have in reaction to perceived stress. Anxiety can have…

First Annual Wellness Mental Health Staff Retreat
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First Annual Wellness Mental Health Staff Retreat

In January 2023, Clinical Director Dr. Angelica Soto hosted Plan-It-Life’s first ever Mental Health Staff Retreat in downtown Riverside.  Participants included therapists, mental health specialists, and case managers from all four facilities. Opening with team building activities, the team learned about various mental health topics as it relates to our adolescent client population.  This targeted…

The Difference Between Hearing and Listening
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The Difference Between Hearing and Listening

You cannot truly listen to anyone and do anything else at the same time.” —M. Scott Peck Merriam-Webster defines hearing as the “process, function, or power of perceiving sound; specifically: the special sense by which noises and tones are received as stimuli.” On the other hand, listening means “to pay attention to sound; to hear…

What Is Existential Therapy and What Are Its Benefits?
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What Is Existential Therapy and What Are Its Benefits?

Existential Therapy Defined Existential practices are not new. Indeed, existential philosophy began in the 20th century and in the late 20th century and early 21st century, multiple institutions dedicated to existential psychotherapy as a method to manage mental health conditions were founded in Europe and the US. Existential therapy is developed for individuals who struggle…

Four Different Types of OCD
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Four Different Types of OCD

OCD, or Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, is a debilitating and sometimes extreme sickness that causes the sufferer to experience repetitive thoughts and/or urges to repeat certain acts over and over and over again. To illustrate, let’s look at a summarized case example shown by the American Psychiatric Association about a patient named “Allen.”  Allen came to a mental…