National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness
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National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness

What is homelessness?  Being homeless is defined as “the state of having no home.”  It is estimated that 150 million people worldwide are homeless, and a staggering 1.7 billion people lack adequate housing. According to homelessness by states, California ranked highest with an amount of 129,000 people while North Dakota ranked the lowest at 542 individuals. …

Working Towards Emotional Wellness
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Working Towards Emotional Wellness

Since 2004, wellness advocates in the United States have recognized October as Emotional Wellness Month. With the ever-increasing fast-paced lifestyle of hectic schedules, beeping devices, and, how could we forget, the uncertainness of 2020, there is a good reason for focus on Emotional Wellness.  Stress is the most significant catalyst towards emotional unrest, so it’s…

Child Abuse: What Counts, What’s Adjacent, and What’s Expected of Mandated Reporters
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Child Abuse: What Counts, What’s Adjacent, and What’s Expected of Mandated Reporters

Anyone under 18 years old is a child. Each year, the United States receives at least three million child abuse reports. It is essential to make people understand the widespread child abuse and the causes and reasons for its occurrence. At the state level, child abuse or neglect can be defined by both criminal and…

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*A concept from Trust-Based Relational Intervention, or TBRI* The Complete Parenting Handbook There isn’t one. Each child is different and may require a different approach to parenting. There will never be a guide on being a perfect parent, but you can do things to make sure you’re providing the best parenting for your child(ren).  Trust-Based…

The Dangers of Oversharing on Social Media
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The Dangers of Oversharing on Social Media

IT’S ALL IN THE DETAILS We are leaving for #Hawaii in two days. Maui, here we come. #10daysinparadise #couplesretreat #readytopack We’ve all seen social media posts like the one above, right? Heck, maybe you’ve posted something similar in the past. Let’s say we posted that simple two-sentence status update for all our friends on our friend’s…

Teenage Vaping: A Dangerous Alternative to Traditional Cigarettes?
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Teenage Vaping: A Dangerous Alternative to Traditional Cigarettes?

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), there are 41 million vapers. And according to a December 2018 article, the results of a Monitoring the Future (MTF) survey of a nationally representative sample of eighth, 10th, and 12th graders in American schools reported that 37.3% of 12th graders had vaped within the past 12…

Importance of Journaling for Youth
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Importance of Journaling for Youth

Importance of Journaling for Youth   Keeping a journal may remind writers of their goals and the lessons they’ve learned over time. Journaling can give writers an opportunity to create thoughtful internal conversations with themselves. Sometimes young adults are overwhelmed by the events in their lives. They may allow their emotional reactions to get the…

National Craft Month: A Closer Look into Creativity
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National Craft Month: A Closer Look into Creativity

National Craft Month: A Closer Look into Creativity For every “Eureka” moment, there’s a brain hemisphere working to foster creativity and inventiveness in the human body. Each “aha” moment, whether academic, artistic, or physical in nature, is mainly manifested by humans’ inherent creative thinking.   Understanding creativity warrants an interdisciplinary study that encompasses the fields…

I Am NOT For Sale!
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I Am NOT For Sale!

Understanding Human Trafficking Modern human trafficking has its roots in the slavery of yesteryear. Perpetrators still use force, coercion, or fraud to obtain labor or commercial sex. Forbes called human trafficking a pandemic of the 21st century.   Human Trafficking Human trafficking is a crime that escalates into physical violence, sexual violence, enslavement, and other…

107 Text Abbreviations Every Parent Should Know
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107 Text Abbreviations Every Parent Should Know

What does your teenager’s text mean? Teenagers today, just like in our day, are trying to find their individuality. And, with teachers and parents and many other role models telling them what they can and cannot do, they often find ways to communicate with their peers that will fly under the radar of adults. So,…